Sunday, May 17, 2015

My friend is falling for a married man

Dear Cheri,
I am concerned about my friend. She is falling for a married man. She thinks he is everything she wants but he doesn't even come close for her. I don't know how to help her. What is the best way to handle the situation?


Dear Concerned,

I am not sure what your friend is thinking, there is no future being involved with a married man. It would only end up hurting everyone in the end. Can you get her to her clergy or is there counseling at her work she could go to. The problem with this is she doesn't think she has a problem. Somehow in her mind she has made this right in her mind. It might be that she has had to do this to live with herself. Maybe a good night out with the girls. I don't advocate drinking but this might be one time you should to loosen her up and maybe she can tell you why. At that time you should be able to direct her what direction to go. I am afraid this might take more time than you have. She will need continual encouragement and that is sometimes hard to give. Good luck.


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