Tuesday, May 26, 2015

he doesn't respond to me

Dear Cheri,

I am beside myself.  He can't even tell me anything. He won't text me,  email me,  IM me,  or call me.  He thinks that is the way his, I can't day the word but not his nice girls on the side should be treated.  Honestly,  if he just would respond once I wouldn't go crazy trying to get ahold of him.  He has told me before that nothing changes with him and he rarely meets anymore. But last time we talked he had 3 new women and one her was drooling over. How can I trust it is good with us unless he tells me?  I  guess I am needy.

Needy in the Midwest

Dear Needy in the Midwest,

Why do you want to hear from this man again?  He wants you to wait for what?  Three more women he sees in a short time not talking to you?  I am concerned what he calls you and the other women. The fact that he won't respond to you is a good indicator that he doesn't care about your feelings.  He is a man out for his own needs not to court you,  love you,  or boost your ego.  I will say it as long as it takes Find some help! .


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