Monday, May 18, 2015

I want mine you get nothing

Dear Cheri,

My guy and I have been conversing about what our sex life would be like together. I have had some desires that haven't been met with previous partners. This guy, Bill, had talked to me and told me what he would do and how he would do this. He had a whole scenario how he would do what I wanted. Well, before we could meet for the first time he got miffed at me. I had made him mad and when I said I was in his area I said that I would only do what he wanted this time. Well, since then that is all we do, his stuff. We never do what I had fantasies of. What can I do to correct this?

Frustrated in bed

Dear Frustrated in bed,

So you are saying that he is not giving you any pleasure in this relationship. That he refuses to do what you had previously agreed on  because he got mad at you? What a weasel. I would say that I would give him an ultimatum either we make this a two way street or he finds someone else to get his jollies from. A relationship is two people getting something out of it. When there is one that always takes the giver will become empty, bitter, or resentful. Better to nip this in the bud now or you will always be giving in.


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